Saturday, November 20, 2010


Owning a dog is a decision that should be thought over and over again. Your responsibilities don't end with just feeding them, taking them for a walk, or having them looked at by a vet. You should also make it feel loved and be a part of the family. And like kids who receive teachings in good manners and education, dogs should also undergo training. This is one of the reasons why many prospective dog owners hesitate, because they are afraid that they won't for a good job of training their dogs.
Well here are advices and tips that can help as guide for dog training for Newbies.
For starters, teach your dog the simplest and the most basic commands first. This way, you can develop a bond and let the dog learn how to receive commands and follow them. As you progress, your dog will be able to associate obeying a command with a sense of pride and achievement, not to mention the treats he gets when he is rewarded for being obedient. Start out with the simple commands like sit, stay, sleep, stop, or down.
Next stop is the crate training. Crate training is essential as this would give them an idea of where to eliminate their wastes and to respect areas of the home. Plus, if a dog learns to stay on the crate, you will be able to transport the dog easily from one place to another without any struggles. Learning to stay in a crate also allows them to have a place which they can call their own when they need to rest.
Simultaneously, a dog should be house trained or potty trained. This is essential if you want your home to stay clean and smell clean as well. This should be repeatedly done until the dog gets it. You should be totally committed to this task until you achieve your goals so that the dog would understand how important it is that they don't do their waste disposal inside the house.
Next, teach your dog not to bite. Curbing the natural instincts of the dog to bite can be difficult, especially in puppies which are growing teeth. If your dog starts to bite, reprimanded it, especially if it is biting you or your furniture and belongings. Don't hurt it, but rather, reprimanded it firmly without shouting. Be consistent and always keep an eye on the dog.
Curb your dogs barking. Barking is the basic method as to which a dog communicates. But if it is excessive, it can get very annoying and can disturb your neighbors as well. Learning the cause of their barking is the first step. That's why it is important to learn how a dog communicates, like understanding their body posture, and their faces. Let the dog know that you are annoyed with his or barking, and reward it only if they have learned to stop barking for a period of time.
Remember, there is really no easy way in training a dog, but with these easy steps to follow you will be on your way in learning effective dog training Newbies.

Friday, October 22, 2010


With a little nudge in the right direction I hope to teach you a few little gems on how to control your aggressive K9. Unruly dogs that frighten, upset or show aggression towards people you care about, people you meet on the street or people who visit your home can bring you more problems then you know. A dog in control is begging for trouble. Later on in life the dog could become even more aggressive and possibly cause injury to yourself or others.

An aggressive dog can cause worry for the whole family, especially if there are children involved. Yourself, family and the dog deserve a better lifestyle. In the majority of cases there will be a common cause for your dogs aggression. This may be down to anxiety, stress or the need to control. If your dog displays any kind of aggression such as constant barking, abusing furniture, growling or snapping or disrespect this is a cause for concern. You should not be forced to live with such aggression, and their are methods to curb such aggression.

An aggressive dog is usually aggressive because it wants to protect it's owner. This kind of affection grows into a compulsive need to control. If left untreated the dogs aggression will get worse. At the same time the owner is getting annoyed at their pet and tells them off. This consequence of always reminding their dog they are bad, will damage your dogs confidence and shatter their remaining esteem which results in even worse behaviour.

If you can relate to what I've talked discussed above, it's time to stop shouting at yout dog. You need to try a different tactic ... that works. It's all down to showing your dog love, giving your dog respect, and giving your dog rewards. Sounds silly I know, but it works. I know most owners would want a loving and well balanced relationship with their dogs and for their dog to be obedient so I have listed below a few ways you can help improve your dogs behaviour. There is nothing hard about the training I'm going to show, but it's very important to keep up with it. Do not give in, and do not quit..

Tip 1: If your dog is wetting themselves or toileting in your home it usually a sign of anxiety when being left by their owner. Your dog needs to gain its independence again. One of the most successful ways of doing this is to shut your dog in a room for a while on its own. Start this process for doing it just for a few seconds. Continue the process until your dog is able to stay alone in the room for a longer period of time. Do not give rewards to your dog as the idea is keeping your dog calm when you leave them alone. It might be best to leave the house whilst doing this, as your dog will know your prescence if you remain in the home. Start by leaving for shorter periods of time and increasing it over time.. Do not forget to remain calm and ignore your dog. It is also a good idea for your dog to start sleeping downstairs or in another room. I hope this tip has been helpful. I sincerely wish your dog and you continue to have a good and enjoying life together.

Tip 2: If your dog is aggressive towards passers by when walking in the street, try using a restraining lead. Wether you use a choke chain or one that covers the head, your dog will learn to stay calm because with 1 tug your back in control of your dog. It is not cruel as it is used on dogs to control their behaviour and it does not hurt them. The moment your dog shows aggression towards another person or animal, just stop, and tell the dog to 'heel', turn around quickly and start walking back. Continue walking until the dog stops barking. Once the dog stops, turn back around and continue with the walk. If they are still aggressive, pull the lead and repeat the process. Eventually the dog will know what it's doing wrong and will stop. Again this takes time. Don't give up.

Tip 3: When a visitor knocks at the door, if your dog is the type to bark at the door, this tip will be helpful. When the door knocks, walk casually to the door. Nice and calm.. Open the door, greet your friend and ignore your dog if they are barking. It may be best to practice this with a family member. Important, and don't forget. Keep calm. If the dog continues to bark, get your friend to leave, but do not pay attention to the dog. Close the door and walk back into the room, still ignoring the dog. Carry on with the same process until your dog learns to stop barking. When the dog stops barking and is not chasing your friend, quickly greet him and reward him.

3 easy to follow tips, which should be simple enough to enforce. There not really secrets but its amazing how many people do not know how to control their dog. It's nothing to be ashamed of, with some knowledge you can learn. In all fairness it's not that hard once you know how.

I've trained dogs for over 8 years, and studied at university for 6. I've worked with lots of dogs in my time. I doubt there is a dog I cannot train (unless it has a naturally aggressive trait). If you would like to learn more, let me recommend a great read. It's called "The Secrets to Dog Training". I recommend this book to all my clients when training their aggressive dogs, and I k.